What Is a Dry Matter Definition

Dry matter is what remains after all the water in a food has evaporated: cereals and fresh or dried food. Fresh pastures have a high water content and have a lower proportion of dry matter than an equivalent weight of drier feed such as hay or cereals. Dry matter is an indicator of the amount of nutrients available to the animal in a particular feed. According to NOP regulations, ruminants must obtain at least 30% of their dry matter input (DMI) from grazing during the grazing season. Is there really a difference and, more importantly, a reason to choose one term over another? All fodder and cereals consist of moisture (water) and dry matter. Dry matter is fiber, protein, minerals, carbohydrates and other nutrients in cereals or animal feed after all moisture has been removed. Humidity, on the other hand, is the percentage of the remaining water. In the sugar industry, dry matter content is an important parameter for controlling the crystallization process and is often measured online using microwave density meters. [5] Dry matter can refer to the dry part of animal feed. A substance present in the food, e.B a nutrient or toxin, may be designated on a dry matter basis (abbreviated DMB) to indicate its content in the food (e.B ppm).

Taking into account the nutrient content of different feeds on a dry matter basis (and not on a real basis) facilitates a comparison, as feed contains different proportions of water. This also allows a comparison between the content of a particular nutrient in the dry matter and the content needed in the feed of an animal. [10] Dry matter intake (DMI) refers to dietary intake without water content. The water content is often determined by heating the food on a paper plate in the microwave or with the Koster tester to dry the food. Determining the IMD can be useful for energy-efficient foods with a high water content to ensure adequate energy intake. Animals that eat this type of food have been shown to use less dry matter and food energy. [11] A problem called dry matter loss can result from the generation of heat caused by microbial respiration. It reduces the content of non-structural carbohydrates, protein and dietary energy. [12] Container weight = 300 gCase and sample weight before drying = 450 gAsses Sample weight = 150 g (Calculation: 450 g – 300 g = 150 g)Container and sample weight after drying = 354 gSample weight Dtro = 54 g (Calculation: 354 g – 300 g = 54 g)Dry matter = 36% (Calculation: 54 g/150 g = 0.36 x 100 = 36%) Dry matter or dry weight is a measure of the mass of something, when it is completely dried. As agronomists working in the animal and dairy feed sector, we are often in a mystery about the moisture of feed and the dry matter (MD) of feed. It seems that most nutritionists prefer the term dry matter, while in the world of agronomy, moisture is the desired terminology. Biomass is usually determined on the basis of dry matter, i.e.

the weight of plant material after moisture extraction from plant material. The moisture content varies from one species to another and throughout the year depending on the stage of growth, the form of growth (herbaceous, woody, juicy), soil moisture and moisture. Normalizing dry matter-based weights makes it easier to compare biomass between sites and over time by eliminating these other confounding factors. Biomass determination methods usually require subjective correction of the moisture content of the field when collecting data. With training and experience, observers are usually able to correct the weight of green plants on a dry matter basis. However, some situations, including the presence of succulents (e.B. Opuntia sp.), fresh growing or squares containing mixtures of woody and herbaceous plants, always present a challenge in accurately estimating dry matter content. The dry matter content is determined by drying a sample in an oven, usually at 60 ° C, until a constant weight is reached. Since moisture content varies by species, samples of individual species may need to be dried. During the feeding phase, the DM content is the preferred terminology in the dairy world.

Adapting food sources to a dry matter base is necessary because a nutritionist needs to know the total amount of nutrients fed in a diet to maximize the performance of animals. Thus, dry matter has become their point of reference and way of thinking when they talk about food and fodder. The dry matter of plant and animal matter consists of all its components with the exception of water. The dry matter of food includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (e.B. thiocyanate, anthocyanin and quercetin). The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that provide energy in food (measured in kilocalories or kilojoules) make up ninety percent of a diet`s dry weight. [1] The water content of food varies considerably. A large number of foods consist of more than half the weight of water, including boiled oatmeal (84.5%), boiled macaroni (78.4%), boiled eggs (73.2%), boiled rice (72.5%), white meat chicken (70.3%) and sirloin steak (61.9%). [2] Fruits and vegetables consist of 70-95% water. Most meats consist on average of about 70% water.

Bread consists of about 36% water. [3] Some foods have a water content of less than 5%, such as peanut butter. B[3], crackers and chocolate cakes. [4] The water content of dairy products varies considerably. Butter consists of 15% water. Cow`s milk contains between 88 and 86% water. Swiss cheese consists of 37% water. [3] The water content of milk and milk products varies according to the butterfat content, so whole milk has the lowest water content and skim milk the highest proportion. Every profession has good reasons to think about dry matter or moisture, even if they are the same. In the world of row crops and cereals, where most agronomists work, moisture percentage is the common language for communicating changes in the water content of cereals.

Perform the following steps to calculate the dry matter of a food on the farm: In general, the weight of a particular food ingredient results from the moisture in the food or part of the dry matter (MD). Dry matter refers to the material that remains after the water is removed, and the moisture content reflects the amount of water present in the food ingredient. The nutrients contained in the feed that the animal needs for maintenance, growth, pregnancy and lactation are part of the MD part of the feed. It is important to know the moisture content of a food ingredient, since the moisture content affects the weight of the feed, but does not give the animal any nutritional value. Although animals need water, it is necessary to provide water through an actual water source instead of food ingredients. .

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